Monday, December 17, 2012


Pic 1. Classic German church here in Magdeburg, a neighboring area where we happen to be for P-Day. :)

Pic 2. My companion (Elder Beck) and I.

Pic 3. Oh my goodness all the candy I got!

Pic 4. Snow! :D

Pic 5. Captain Underpants in German! XD So funny to see.

Pic 6. Us at the temple.

Pic 7. The church where Martin Luther tacked up his thesis. It's in my area actually. (Not the real door, the church has burned down and been renovated and whatnot.)

Pic 8. It was pretty foggy, and then got below freezing, so the fog froze all over the cobwebs. It looked so weird. The spiderwebs look jeweled almost.

Hello everyone!

Had plenty of snow last few weeks. That was wonderful. :) It has kinda
been melting now these last few days. Ah well. :)

Had a wonderful Christmas Ward Choir concert yesterday (Sunday). The
ward was wonderful about inviting everyone and their dog, so there were
loads of people there. (I am pretty sure that most of them were not
members.) We sang quite a few Christmas songs, and ended with the song
'I Believe in Christ'. (In German of course) It was wonderful. We got to
spend the entire concert testifying of Christ and rejoicing in the
Christmas season.

I would ask you all to take a look at the word: Christmas. You guys are
hearing this word all over the place these days. Wonderful to see how
God is so sneaky about His reminders and helps. I would encourage you
all to let the very name of Christ in the word Christmas to remind you
of Him. He loves you, and He loves hearing from you. Don't forget to
pray. :)

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone! I don't know if my next post will
get to you before then, so I will just wish you that now. :) Stay close
to Christ. God be will you.

- Elder Michael Miles

Monday, December 10, 2012


Hello everyone. :)

This week has been a very good week. We have actually seen a lot happen.
We went to do some doors in student housing and talk to loads of people.
We gave at least 4 door lessons, made out at least 10 new appointments,
and have already seen 2 promising new investigators out of it. After
some time struggling, this has been a huge tender mercy for me. I know
that God prepares his work for his prepared workers, and prepares a way.

Scripture! 1st Ne. 14:14

 14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of
God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and
upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the
face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the
power of God in great glory.

First of all, Righteousness must come first, before the power of God.
We enable ourselves to be supported by God, when we follow Him and
strive to do what we can. :)

Secondly, -He- arms -us- with righteousness. I think most of us have
heard the idea that Faith is a gift from God. As we do what we can and
ask Him for Faith, and show and exercize what faith we have, God blesses
us and helps our Faith to grow. I think this is speaking to the same
concept. As we do what we can, God blesses us with everything we need.
God helps us to be righteous as we try to be righteous He loves us. He
helps us. He watches out for us. Don't forget Him. Don't think that you
can move forward with the Faith and Righteousness that you already have
(and only have because of Him) and go without relying on Him anymore, or
without keeping in contact with Him.

Keep in contact with God. Go forward in Him. He will make your pathway

God be with you. Keep close to the Sheepherd. Go have a great week. :)

- Elder Michael Miles

Monday, December 3, 2012


Hello everyone. :) I hope this blog post finds you well. :)

I'm gonna get straight to the spiritual thought this week. :)

Alma 5:26 - And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have
experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of
redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?

I love that phrase. 'The Song of Redeeming Love'. It causes me to
reflect on the Love that enabled Christ to Redeem us. It causes me to
relfect on the beautiful feelings of the Spirit that, when I think about
it, could be described rather well as wonderous music.

Can ye feel so now? Think back on some of the wonderful moments where
you have felt the Spirit. Where you have felt Christ soften your heart.
Where you have felt his tender love. Don't forget these moments. When
you are feeling sad or weak, think back on these. Can ye feel so now? I
am here to testify that you can. God is there. He loves you just as much
now as ever. :)

 In this Christmas season, we are all a little more reminded of Christ,
and I love it. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I would encourage
you to go about with joy in your heart. Try to find this Song of
Redeeming Love. :)

- Elder Michael Miles