Monday, January 28, 2013


Hi everyone!

A little reminder today about Eternal Perspective.

There is something I have experienced before that I think many of you can relate with. I am speaking of the moments where you 'come to yourself' and realize that something that is making you stressed or unhappy or worried or angry has little or no importance. You find yourself taking a step back and finding almost immediate peace and relief as you recognize that it does not need to be worried about, and you are able to let it go. I can testify to you that many, if not all of these moments are inspirations from the Holy Ghost, as He helps us to have a more Eternal Perspective. We all know some piece of this feeling of Eternal Perspective. That feeling that you finally see the larger picture of what is truly important. You feel happier and much more at peace as you let go of the things that are less important, and simply start doing what you can with what is before you. I would challenge all of you to take up a smile, and see what you can let go of, bringing yourself more in tune with God. :)

I can testify that Christ is at your side. That He knows and loves you personally and that He will help you in any way that you can. Be ready to listen to Him. He knows the way. :)

And I say these things in the name of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, amen.

Have a wonderful week guys. I wish you all the best. "Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you;" (D&C 68:6)

God be with you.

- Elder Michael Miles


Hello everyone. :) I hope you aren't all freezing to death. Make sure to wear some extra layers and stuff. It has been pretty cold and mildly humid, just making it colder. :P

Been a pretty good week. We got to see the confirmation of the lady that got baptized last week. That was really cool. The Spirit was so strong as the blessing was given. :)

Had a little craziness agian with a trip to Dessau, but things worked out alright. Pretty good week overall. Kinda bothersome though, because all of our student investigators/contacts have a lot of tests and are very busy, and half of them (the chineese ones) will all be leaving to China for the Chineese new year (simester break), and the rest will probably go home for break as well. Things are still going well though. :) We even talked to a younger German person who actually wants to meet with us! That was a surprise. Usually the German students want nothing to do with us. :P

Spiritual thought time! :)

I was thinking, during church yesterday, how many people tend to say that they would love to be newly baptized again. Once I truly learned that the sacrament is a complete renewal of all the baptizmal covenants and blessings, I find it sad now when people say that. I want to sit down with them and talk to them about how they are newly baptized each week. I continued pondering and realized that what most people see, looking in hindsight at their own baptism, are the feelings they felt at the time. The thing that draws them back to wanting to be back there was the contrast. How much of a difference it made. The change they feel. That's the answer. The way to truly make full use of the sacrament is week, is to prepare ourselves, sanctify ourselves. We strive to see the Sacrament for the great and wonderous blessing and change that it is. A new baptism. We need to let it change us, and work to notice the difference as it comes. Christ is making us clean, but only as far as we let Him in. :)

Well I hope you guys all have a wonderful week. :) Go do something cool. :)

God bless you and be with you. (D&C 84:88)

- Elder Michael Miles

Monday, January 14, 2013


Hello everyone. :) Got a story for you.

Was down in Dessau (city in my area) again, on exchanges again. We looked at the bus and tram times for something like 20 minutes trying to decide if they would be helpful for our three appointments that evening, we decided yes, made sure we understood the times, and bought a day ticket. We got on the bikes for the start to get to our first appointment. Or at least, we thought we were headed there. Turns out I had misjudged the path I saw, we had to turn back after a couple minutes of riding and find the other route, up over the train tracks, and finally got to the first appointment, late. We then got out of that appointment with good time, and started taking the regular route back past the train station, when I remembered that we were gonna try a path through this big park that might save us time. The other bikes chain was getting loose, so it kept coming off, and after a couple times I checked it and realized that one of the links was broken on one side and was not going to keep the chain on for more than 10 seconds. :P (Oh by the way, the person I was on exchanges with, I was with because I am District Leader, and he is new. This was in his second week here.) We walked our bikes through the park, and got to the second appointment alright (all things considered) late once again. On the way out of that appointment, we watched the bus, which we were going to take, drive down the road. We had missed it, and had to walk back to the station. Bought ourselves a little tub of ice cream since we had some time, caught the train back, and had a nice restful evening talking and eating ice cream. :P Adventurous day. :)

Sometimes the Lord has other plans. :) The real trick is to take it as it comes, trust Him, and keep close to Him. We see a good example of this in Mosiah 23&24. The people of Alma were wonderful people, but God gave them more tough times, that their faith could grow even stronger, and they could be given more stepping stones, in the form of trials, to help them towards perfection, towards the increasing of their faith. Alma 23:21-22

Love you guys. Stay close to Christ. He loves you. God be with you. Go make it a good week. :)

- Elder Michael Miles


Hey everyone!

Pretty cold down here, but not too much so. I hear Utah is getting a pretty heavy cold snap. I hope you guys are all alright.

Also, Ein gesundes neues Jahr wünche ich euch.

Thing that all of the memebers have been saying. ^^^ It means that I wish you a 'healthy new year'. Silly Germans. :P

Spiritual thought!

3rd Nephi 7:17-18

17 And he did minister many things unto them; and all of them cannot be written, and a part of them would not suffice, therefore they are not written in this book. And Nephi did minister with power and with great authority.
 18 And it came to pass that they were angry with him, even because he had greater power than they, for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words, for so great was his faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that angels did minister unto him daily.
This is just astounding to me to read. He had such amazing faith, and such a powerful, pure testimony, that they had nothing more to say. They couldn't even deny it. Wonderous. I challenge you to look at this and think about how you could improve the example that you give, and how you could improve your own testimony. How wonderful would it be to be able to let the Spirit truly work through you like this? I encourage you to let the Spirit work though you in the everyday ways. The example that we give to others. Kindness. The small moments of testimony bearing that we get. Doesn't even have to be a formal testimony. We convey a lot without direct words.

I love you guys. I hope the holidays treated you well, and I wish you the best as things start back up. Keep turned unto Christ. He's there for -you-.

- Elder Michael Miles


Too busy for a blog post this week, but he had a wonderful new year!

-Andrew Miles, his Brother.