Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hello blog readers! Hope you are all feeling well. :)

Thought today comes partially from a conference talk that I got reminded of:

The thing that I realized I like about this talk, is that it points out an interesting difference between the Chruch and the Gospel.

It is interesting to think about, and a bit of a gray area kind of line to draw, but let me share with you my own attempt at defining the two.

The Church as we know it is the organisation that God has built upon the earth in which we can learn about the Gospel, support each other, receive revelation through Priesthood leaders, and in an effective and organized and God-revealed way, carry out God's work and help to all the ends of the earth.

The Gospel on the other hand is the teachings. The truth. The scriptures. Learning about God, His nature, His Love for us, about his Plan, about Jesus Christ and His role and Love for us as well, the Atonement, and any and all other teachings pertaining unto Eternal Truth and our Salvation.

In the Church we are taught the Gospel, and the Gospel teaches us to go to church, and in a sense, how to get more out of it, and about the Priesthood thereof, but they are actually two different things. The interesting point emphasised by the aforementioned talk (if I remember correctly) is that we need to be careful to base our testimony on the Gospel itself, and not on the ward, or as one could call it, the Church. We need to focus on the Savior and the Salvation he brought to pass, our relationship with God, etc. There are many sad stories of people who joined the church because of the nice community they found there, and then fell away because of small, often imagined offences supposedly caused by the 'Church' or more accurately, the members around them.

(On this topic it is also important to point out a little phrase I have heard 'The Chruch is perfect, the members are not.' Just because the people make mistakes, doesn't mean that the organization is not from God. Trust Him. He knows what He has organized, and who He has called.)

The moral here? Put your heart into God's hands, and not in the ward or ward building. God has no shortcomings. He will never let you down. God loves you. God has the Plan. Christ came and 'paid' for you personally. The Church is a wonderful and -essential- stepping stone that God has given us to come back to Him, but it is only one piece of the Eternal Perspective. :)

I testify that Jesus Christ is the Savior. I testify of the truth and directly God-Given and God-Organized nature of this wonderful Church, given to us by our Father. I testify of Priesthood power as the Power of God, and how it helps every one of us in our daily lives. I testify of Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, who is mighty to save, and I close this in His name, 'im Namen Jesu Christi' amen. :)

Love you guys. Go have an amazing week. Smile. :)

- Elder Michael Miles

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Michael didn't have time to write a blog, he was transferred to Hildesheim. Near Hannover.
But he wishes his best to his blog readers, and reminds you to find your happiness in the scriptures!

Your friendly blog admin,


Hi everyone! :) I hope this blog post finds you well. This week was slow but good. Got to see another baptism with the Elders from Bernburg. Also had a couple birthdays (the elders in Halle).

Today I wanted to talk about something I have been studying. As I do any kind of studying, I have bee keeping my eye out for two patterns I have noticed, or rather, two scriptures that seem to occur over and over in the Book of Mormon. The first: seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you. The second: if you ask in faith/with the Holy Ghost/according to God's will, it shall be given to you, whatever you may ask.

I love these scriptures. They are -such- a powerful promise. I have been writting down each of the references as I find them. Let me share some of my list with you.

3 Ne 14:7 & 18:20 & 27:28-29
Mormon 9:21
1 Ne 15:11
Enos 1:15
2 Ne 4:35
Moroni 7:26

This promise is -everywhere-. I think God is trying to emphasise something. :)

I can testify that God answers prayers. I know that he helps us to develop righteous desires, and inspires us to feel good about praying about them when they are in line with what He would want for us. I can promise you, adding my testimony to the many prophets in the scriptures that have preceeded me, that God listens to you, and will give you what you ask for as long as you follow three conditions.
1. Ask in faith. Look at the proof of the stories in the scriptures, stories you hear in the church, specific promises in the scriptures like the mentioned references. God does answer prayers. You can trust Him on that. :)
2. Not asking astray/asking only for what aligns with His will for us. This means understanding what is good and righteous by learning about what is good and right, and then being sensitive to the Holy Ghost as you pry. As you listen to Him, He will help you to feel if your desire is right. Whether you should be asking for it, whether He can support you. He will also help you to feel the promise that God will answer the prayer. :)
3. Work for it! We cannot expect God to do anything for us, if we are not willing to do anything ourselves. When you have a dream or desire, work for it! God can't make something out of nothing in those situations. We have to be doing what we can. God will guide us, and miracles will happen as we strive in faith for what we feel is right.

I testify in the name of Christ that God loves you. I testify that He wants to help you to achieve wonderous things. Trust Him.

Have a wonderful week guys. Go do wonderful things. :) And keep close to the Savior, that He may save you. :)

- Elder Michael Bright Miles