Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hey everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. :) This week has been VERY cold. We are getting a bitter cold wind coming down in from Russia that is keeping things around freezing temperature all the time, and of course it feels like below freezing because of the biting wind that sucks the warmth straight out of you, even though layers of clothes. X/ Nothing can stop the work though, and we missionaries are stubborn. :P

We actually are seeing the startings of great things with one of our investigators. He has been meeting with the missionaries for years, and is rather close to being ready to be baptised, and has been for a long time, but one of his huge roadblocks is smoking, and now we have challenged him to overcome it, and he seems very determined to do so. We are very excited for him. :)

Random thing about Germany!

The shopping carts have a little contraption on the side of the handlebar with a little metal key-like thing hanging on a chain. As the carts are sitting all slid into each other, each cart's contraption has the key of the cart in front of it locked in. To free the cart at the front, you have to place in a coin of either 50 cents, 1 euro, or 2 euro (yes, the have 1 and 2 euro coins. they have 1 cent, 2 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent, 1 euro and 2 euro pieces) into a slot. As the coin is inserted, it releases it's hold on the key of the cart in front of it, and you are free to take it. Then when you take it back, you have to slide it into the row of carts and stick the hanging key of the cart that used to be the end one into the contraption for it to give you your coin back. (you should be able to find pictures online)

Spiritual thought!

You can trust in God's promises, and in His Plan. He has it all ready and set up for us. We are safe in His hands, as long as we stay in His hands. He makes us beautiful promises all through the scriptures, and continually though His prophets. Take advantage of the blessings that God is all so willing to give you. Do not fear, for you have a God on your side. :) And I testify of this in the name of our Shepherd, Jesus Christ, amen.

May you all have a wonderful week with the Spirit continually near. God be with you.

- Elder Michael Miles

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Greetings! Happy St. Patricks Day! ... A day late! ... I had actually forgotten, but I did happen to wear a green/white tie that day. Turned out well. :) Hope you guys are all doing well.

Been meeting with a Catholic guy. Very interesting. Haven't gotten much chance to learn about other religions until my misson. Fascinating stuff. Wonderful to see what people are doing with what light they have. How much they are putting towards their God. :)

Today's spiritual thought comes from John 7:24 and Matt 7:2

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement."

"For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye meet, it shall be measured to you again."

There are many wonderful people on this earth trying very hard to do good things. However, sometimes these good things are not so visible. It is much easier to notice spatters of dirt on a white wall than it is to notice the blank white spaces.

Every man will be judged according to that which he understands, and according to his weakness. When someone does not completely understand a law or what they should be doing, how can we condemn them when they do not? Similarly, when someone is weak in some point, and it is harder for them to overcome a specific thing, how can we truly blame them when they fall short?

I once had a thought as I was walking around doing doors. I realized that I am struggling and make mistakes and am weak as the next guy. I am no exception to imperfection. I started to realize that sometimes as people we decide that we don't like someone because they are doing something wrong that we don't think they should be doing. Sometimes we have become strong in something, and, when we are not careful, begin to be intolerant to those who, though working on it, have not yet overcome the same struggle.

I testify that God loves each and every one of His children. I testify that we are given weaknesses that we may be tried and grow. God sends us hard times to lift us higher. We have to work our muscles to climb a mountain, it is not easy. We must strain ourselves spiritually, continually improving and learning as we move up towards God. :) Those who are falling short are sometimes seen as bad. Looked down upon. I submit that any man who you see climbing the mountain near you, even if they are falling short and not making as much progress, deserve help, encouragement, and love. Not condemnation or belittlement.

Luke 5:31-32

31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.

32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

When you see a fellowman struggling, help him up. :) Show love. Try to assume good about someone. It is true that some are choosing evil on purpose, but who are we to say? How would we know? Everyone has reasons for what they do. Hate the sin, but love the sinner. Try to help him. You have the light. Share it. :)

I know that each of us has the Love of God in us. We are capable of bringing about great good in those around us. I also testify that God loves us. Loves -you-. Let us continue to develop our love for Him, and for each other. You will be happier.

And I say these things in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

I wish you guys a wonderful week. I challenge you to do something cool. :) Love you guys. God bless you.

- Elder Michael Miles

Monday, March 11, 2013


Hey everybody! Hope you are all doing well. :) I hear the weather is still warming up. Things here have been a little crazy. The temperatures dropped again over the weekend and we had some pretty intense snow starting Saturday night and continuing on through all of Sunday till this morning (Monday) when the sun started peaking out and melting it a bit. Crazy.

Random story. We were walking back to our appartment one day and a random guy walking down the street with his friend started calling out to us.

'Hey, seid ihr von der Kirche?' (Hey you guys from the church?) He seemed interested

'Ja, sind wir.' (Yes we are.)

'Der Orthodoxe Kirche?' (The Orthodox church?)

'Nein...' (No...)

He then held up an open hand as though to say 'I appologize for disturbing you, carry on.' and said 'Tschuss' (Bye) Respectful, but no longer interested when we weren't from that church.

Funny strange little moment. I think he may have been from Russia or somewhere. Had a bit of an accent. But we see a lot of foreigners in Germany. Russians, Turks and Africans mostly.

Well, at this point, hopefully my family will be able to take some chunks from my letter to mom to post in here so you guys can get some more content. :)

Spiritual thought!

Who is the Savior to you?

We have all sorts of titles for Him in the Scriptures. Shepherd, Savior, Light, Lamb of God, Son of Man (Man being capitalized to signify God, the ultimate Man so I have read), Son of God, The Prince of Peace, etc. But think about it. Which one do you connect with? What does Christ mean to you? What is your relationship to him?

He loves you. He is at your side. My favorite lately has been The Great Shepherd. What do you think? The words of the Scriptures and modern day Prophets tell us a lot about Christ. I challenge you to deepen your understanding. To come closer to Him and His Love for you. :) I testify that He is on your side, and that -you- hold a special place in His heart. And I say that in His name, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Have an awesome week. Go find some awesome things. :) God be with you.

- Elder Michael Bright Miles

Cool old Church in our area

bedroom part 2
 bedroom part 2


 study/main room part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3
 Part 4

Very German looking houses/street, and Elder Myrabo!

Look! It looks like Navarre's name