Letters and E-mails from Elder Michael Miles while he is on his mission.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Halloween. Interestingly, it
is recognized, but not really celebrated here. It is actually the year
anniversary of, I think something to do with Martin Luther. I may have
been the day that he posted the Thesis, I am not sure. But they call it
Reformations day, and it is a work holliday. Some children go around
doing trick-or-treating, but hardly anyone had decorations out, and I
really only saw a hadful of children out. Kinda sad to me.
Our English class is going well. People are bringing there friends, and
we are getting more and more opportunities to share smaller, condensed
messages from the Gospel with people we may not have otherwise reached,
or gotten to really talk to. Wonderful experience, and great to see the
work move forward. Nothing can stop this work. I can testify to that.
Spiritual thought for the week. I have been memorizing a scripture:
Alma 37:36-37
36 Yea, and let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and withersoever thou
goest, let it be in the Lord. Yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto
the Lord continually, yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed
upon the Lord forever.
37 Council with the Lord in all thy doings, and He shall direct thee for
good. Yea, and when thou layest down at night, lie down unto the Lord,
that He may watch over you in your sleep, and when thou risest in the
morning, let thy heart be full of thanks unto God, and if you do these
things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
What I really have come to love about this scripture, is that it so
often says 'let'. It testifies to me that we know where to go. We can
feel what we should be doing. We know how to do right. We know how to
follow God. We know the Lord personally, and He knows us. Now the
question is, are we letting ourselves know these things and see these
things? Are we letting ourselves acknowledge the way we should go,
letting go of our unrighteous desires? Are we letting the desires of our
heart, who know the Lord and want to follow Him, truly follow the Lord?
Are we letting ourselves be close to Him? It can be very simple when we
set our minds to do good and to be close to our Loving Creator. As we
are truly honest with ourselves, and with all of our heart let go of
evil, letting our natural good desires drive us, and carry us to follow
Christ, the way becomes easy. The burden becomes lighter. Christ is with
us as much as we let Him be. He can't force us. He would never want to.
But He is imediately there when we let Him in. I testify to that. He
loves me. He loves you. He knows you, and you may know Him better than
you realize. And I testify of all these things in His name, in the name
of Jesus Christ, amen.
Have a glorious week everyone. Keep close to Christ. Look for the happy
things, and try to remember to smile. :) I love you guys. God be with
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